Urban Dog Market
3538 Garrison Gate SW
Urban Dog Market is beautifully decorated with the vibe of a European boutique. The store ‘feels’ luxurious, but the items I purchased were reasonably priced. A bakery offers homemade dog cookies. The store is small, so I found food variety to be limited, but the selection comprised solely high-quality brands. Based on a conversation I engaged with a staff member, they are knowledgeable about ingredients and take care in selecting only healthy products for the store. Urban Dog Market sells fashion-forward clothing and accessories for small pooches. Service is bubbly and competent.
I confess to falling for some pretty accessories for myself. Jay scored some treats too, and I give Urban Dog Market bonus points for tucking sample products into our bag. Samples are SO helpful in determining if your dog will like a product before shelling out for a whole bag!
Treats for me . . .
Treats for J