Local Products
Artisan Raw:
Raw food and bones from Canmore, AB. https://artisanrawdogfood.ca
Canadian Naturals:
Kibble produced in AB and BC. http://www.canadiannaturals.com/pages/index.php
Champion Pet Foods:
Kibble and treats manufactured in Morinville, AB, under the brand names ACANA and Orijen. ACANA is an amalgamated name of Alberta and Canada. https://www.championpetfoods.com
Complete K9:
Raw food and bones from Lacombe, AB. https://www.thecompletek9.ca
Farm Fresh Pet Foods:
Semi-soft food and treats made in Carstairs, AB. https://farmfreshpetfoods.com
K-9 Choice Foods:
Raw food and treats produced in Tofield, AB. It’s advertised that 100% of ingredients are sourced solely in Alberta. http://www.k9choicefoods.com/index.html
Legacy Pet Foods:
Raw food and bones produced in AB. https://legacypetfoods.com
Mountain Dog Food:
Raw food from Edmonton, AB. http://www.mountaindogfood.com/home.html#&panel1-4
Pleased Pets:
Home cooked ‘Meat Muffins’. http://www.pleasedpets.com
Puppy Love:
Chews and treats produced in Fort McLeod, AB. https://www.puppylovepetproducts.ca
Chews, treats and semi-soft food manufactured in High River, AB. https://rolloverpetfood.com
Nearly Naked Neckwear:
Ribboned collars & leashes, bandanas, harnesses http://nearlynakedneckwear.com
Wanderlust Creatures:
Dog tags hand made in Calgary. https://www.wanderlustcreatures.com/pet-tags