Snuffle mat

Snuffle Mat

Jay is rarely bowl-fed;  meals are instead presented in kongs, puzzles, food toys and training sessions.  One favourite game is to hide each piece of kibble in a different spot around the house.  Though he loves the game, he doesn’t get to play as often as he’d like, because it takes me way longer to hide the meal than it does for him to ferret out all the pieces and devour them.  Enter the Snuffle Mat.  In a few seconds, you can chuck a handful of kibble or treats (food must be dry) in the mat and jiggle it around for distribution.  It takes about the same amount of time for Jay to empty the mat as it does for him to comb the entire house.  It’s a grand time-saver for meal prep, and a great new stimulating way to feed.  And unlike many other food puzzles, Jay does not simply pick the whole thing up and fling it across the room to empty the contents.  (He’s big on efficiency when it comes to food ingestion!)

The Snuffle Mat is a rubber base woven with many pieces of fleece.  Two types are offered:  regular and Level 2 with longer strings for additional challenge.  The mats come in a huge range of fun colours.  Snuffle Mats are sold by Mungo’s Books for Dog People through a retail outlet located inside Sit Happens! Training Centre located at 2333 18th Avenue NE.   Mats are also sold at Clippers n' Suds 1935 37 Avenue SW

Apparently, Snuffle Mats are good for people too . . .

This page link also contains a video demonstrating how to make your own Snuffle Mat, if you're so inclined.